Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sam Spam!!

Alright... It's Tuesday, which means I'm home, but at work (BOO).  However the good news is, I'm hopefully busy writing a new chapter to be posted tomorrow!! So I figured I'd post some videos of Sam to keep you entertained for a couple minutes... :o)  Enjoy!!

An old video of a young Sammy.

This next one is about Sam, Cogs, and Tom Gilbert. I love the arguments between the guys. They are like a married couple, disfunctional married couple of course.

Next one...this is a long video but it's worth it to get to Tom and Gag's argument at the end. Also, Cogs talks about Sam in the beginning. You also find that this team is filled with characters and I have to say they've totally grown on me.

Hope You Enjoyed!! See you tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. First video, ending with no shirt... Yum.

    Second video, OMG, they are adorbs!!

    Third video, Horcroff has big ears. HAHAHA!! And the argument at the end... I frickin' loved it!!!
